14.5 with pinned YHM Phantom |
November 27, 2010 |
K Hodges from Carolina Beach, NC United States
Ordered on Tues. arrived on Friday!!!! GREAT customer service!!! Upper was exactly what I wanted, finish is great, pin/weld on the YHM Phantom looks very good. Mounted it on a Colt lower and the fit was perfect. I'll be running a Carbine course next month and will put a lot of rounds thru it, judging by the workmanship I'm sure it will hold up well. LATER: Ran the carbine course using my upper for demos and just general tactical shooting. Put approx. 2000rds thru the upper with ZERO problems!!! Out of the box put the upper on a lower I had built, put a Knight flip up rear sight on and fired 10 rds at 25yds (using bipod). All 10 rds were in a 3/4in group in the center of a standard military M4 zero target, no adjustments needed. This upper performed flawlessly. Del-ton has just become my company of choice for all my builds.
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